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Coeliac Sisters

Gluten Free Snacks Only! List / Notepad

Gluten Free Snacks Only! List / Notepad

Regular price £4.50
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Gluten Free Snacks Only!

list til your hearts content

It's important to remember that if you have coeliac disease, or are gluten free, you can only have one true love, and that of course is snacks. Now, I live in a household of non-coeliacs and whenever one of them goes shopping, I have to give them a list with things such as 'gluten free flour, gluten free bread' written on it. We can't be confusing the Warburtons GF with a non GF loaf.  

So instead of me having to write 'gluten free' before everything I list, I can now give them my own list. The Gluten free list.

Problem solved.


  • 50 Tear away pages
  • Perfect for list making, or shopping lists
  • Original design
  • One size
  • Option to have a magnet on the back.. perfect for putting on the fridge!
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